04 Aug Summary of Covid Support available for SEQ Lockdown
With the recent lockdown in Southeast Queensland, the Federal Government has announced financial support packages for individuals who have been impacted by the lockdown. In addition, the State Government have also released support packages to help businesses impacted by the lockdown.
We have summarised below the support packages available, along with the key eligibility criteria. Please note, that as this is an ongoing situation, changes may be applied over the coming weeks and we will continue to keep our clients updated as any changes evolve.
Support for Individuals – Covid-19 Disaster payment
This support payment will be available from Services Australia and paid to the individual impacted.
The details:
- $750 per week where you lose 20 hours or more of work
- $450 per week where you lose between 8 and 19 hours of work
- This payment will continue for the length of time the lockdown remains in place and where the LGA’s are declared a Commonwealth Hotspot
- You may be eligible if you:
- Live in, work from or have visited one of the listed LGA’s which has been listed as a hotspot from 11:59pm on 30 March 2021
- You live in work from or have visited a location subject to the Queensland restricted movement order
- You had paid employment, and because you were in the Covid-19 hotspot or are subjected to restricted movement, you cannot attend work
- You don’t have any appropriate paid leave entitlements
- You aren’t getting Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment or a state-based pandemic
We understand that the claim form for this payment will be available from 7 August 2021 at this stage.
A pandemic leave disaster payment is also available for individuals who have been told to quarantine/isolate or are caring for someone with Covid-19.
For more information on individual support payments available click here.
Support for Businesses – 2021 Covid-19 Business Support Grants
Queensland based businesses impacted by the lockdown maybe eligible for financial support through the 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants. These grants will provide cash flow support for businesses to help them adapt to evolving circumstances.
The details:
- The grant is $5000 (excl GST) and may be used for businesses expenses.
- Small to medium businesses across QLD who have been impacted by the SEQ lockdown may be eligible
- Small and medium businesses are defined as having:
- A turnover of more than $75,000 per annum
- An annual payroll in Queensland of up to $10 million
- Your business doesn’t have to be located in South East Queensland, but you must have experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover as a result of the lockdown. Note: more information to come on how businesses can show their turnover is down by 30%
- Sole traders that have employees will be eligible for the grants if they are not receiving or eligible for the Covid-19 Disaster Payment
- Sole traders who don’t have employees may be eligible to receive the Covid-19 Disaster Payment from the Federal Government.
- Applications will be open in mid-August
More details are available here.
We are awaiting more details on how to apply for these grants and will provide more details regarding eligibility once this information is released.
In the meantime, should you have any queries regarding eligibility or the above-mentioned support payments please don’t hesitate to reach out to your dedicated yield advisor to discuss.